2017-18 Basketball Statistics - Wells

FG %
3PT %
FT %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 9-16 (.360)
Conference 8-8 (.500)
Streak Won 1
Home 3-9
Away 6-5
Neutral 0-2
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Feb 3 Lancaster Bible L, 62-46
Feb 4 Wilson W, 62-48
Feb 8 Penn College W, 63-34
Feb 10 Morrisville St. L, 92-88
Feb 14 SUNY Poly L, 76-54
Feb 17 at Cobleskill St. W, 60-56
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Games 25 16
Points 1278 860
Points per game 51.1 53.8
FG made per game 19.4 20.5
FG attempts per game 55.4 58.4
FG Pct 35.1 35.1
3PT made per game 4.8 4.9
3PT attempts per game 18.6 19.4
3PT Pct 25.8 25.5
FT made per game 7.4 7.8
FT attempt per game 12.4 12.5
FT Pct 60.0 62.5
Off rebounds per game 11.1 12.4
Def rebounds per game 25.2 26.3
Total rebounds per game 36.3 38.8
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 13.4 12.9
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 26.3 26.8
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 39.8 39.7
Rebound margin per game -3.4 -0.9
Assists per game 12.5 13.5
Opponents' Assists per game 13.6 12.0
Turnovers per game 20.3 18.2
Opponents' Turnovers per game 17.0 17.0
Steals per game 8.8 8.9
Opponents' Steals per game 11.4 10.3
Blocks per game 2.9 3.4
Opponents' Blocks per game 1.9 2.1
Personal fouls per game 15.2 15.6
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 14.3 13.9
Points per game allowed 60.7 57.7
Opponents' Field goal percentage 38.4 35.9
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 28.5 29.7
Home Attendance 1,682 1,030
Home Attendance average 140 129
Field goal total-attempts 486-1386 328-935
3 point total-attempts 120-465 79-310
Free throw total-attempts 186-310 125-200
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 559-1457 328-914
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 137-480 95-320
# Name Position Year Status
01 Dallia Rorick G Sr. Inactive
02 Maritza Scharoun F Fr. Inactive
03 Jordan Jacobs F Fr. Inactive
04 Julia Smith G Jr. Inactive
05 Shelby Medovich F Jr. Inactive
10 Miranda Mingen F So. Inactive
15 Hikari Kanja G/F Fr. Inactive
21 Yanna Ososkalo G Sr. Inactive
23 Carley Ryan F Jr. Inactive
31 Kamarie Maturine F Sr. Inactive
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Nov 15 Nazareth L, 72-32 10-39 25.6 3-14 21.4 9-19 47.4 6 19 25 4 30 7 0 14 32
Nov 18 at Utica L, 63-49 20-56 35.7 7-22 31.8 2-5 40.0 12 27 39 12 28 8 3 16 49
Nov 20 at D'Youville W, 66-58 23-51 45.1 4-14 28.6 16-22 72.7 9 29 38 17 22 13 2 15 66
Nov 27 Alfred St. L, 63-59 22-58 37.9 5-21 23.8 10-18 55.6 10 27 37 13 23 12 0 17 59
Nov 29 Medaille L, 67-46 17-48 35.4 4-12 33.3 8-18 44.4 8 28 36 10 29 8 2 17 46
Dec 2 at Cazenovia W, 50-46 17-61 27.9 6-24 25.0 10-14 71.4 8 32 40 7 13 9 0 15 50
Dec 3 Elmira L, 61-55 21-61 34.4 5-19 26.3 8-11 72.7 13 24 37 11 21 14 6 17 55
Dec 7 Keuka L, 51-34 14-48 29.2 1-15 6.7 5-10 50.0 14 18 32 7 27 16 2 14 34
Dec 9 at Morrisville St. L, 64-31 12-60 20.0 3-21 14.3 4-6 66.7 12 27 39 9 20 4 2 13 31
Dec 20 vs. WPI L, 72-24 9-38 23.7 4-20 20.0 2-9 22.2 8 12 20 7 29 5 0 11 24
Dec 21 vs. Washington and Lee L, 69-33 13-46 28.3 3-16 18.8 4-6 66.7 6 19 25 6 17 6 2 7 33
Jan 10 Cazenovia L, 71-50 20-62 32.3 3-21 14.3 7-8 87.5 10 27 37 13 19 8 3 19 50
Jan 13 at Gallaudet W, 67-64 25-48 52.1 4-14 28.6 13-18 72.2 7 26 33 18 21 3 5 20 67
Jan 14 at Penn St.-Abington W, 64-53 21-63 33.3 10-28 35.7 12-16 75.0 19 29 48 13 13 6 2 20 64
Jan 17 at SUNY Poly L, 70-54 20-46 43.5 7-19 36.8 7-10 70.0 8 30 38 14 27 5 8 15 54
Jan 20 Cobleskill St. W, 48-45 17-43 39.5 4-10 40.0 10-23 43.5 9 22 31 14 19 9 3 12 48
Jan 23 at Cortland L, 69-54 23-54 42.6 6-17 35.3 2-2 100.0 7 24 31 17 18 6 3 17 54
Jan 24 at Penn College W, 54-34 21-76 27.6 5-19 26.3 7-9 77.8 24 25 49 11 14 14 6 11 54
Jan 30 at Keuka L, 57-35 14-48 29.2 2-14 14.3 5-7 71.4 4 19 23 6 21 10 6 14 35
Feb 3 Lancaster Bible L, 62-46 18-55 32.7 4-20 20.0 6-10 60.0 9 22 31 14 17 10 3 12 46
Feb 4 Wilson W, 62-48 25-67 37.3 5-23 21.7 7-15 46.7 13 30 43 19 10 14 5 17 62
Feb 8 Penn College W, 63-34 26-76 34.2 1-13 7.7 10-12 83.3 28 35 63 16 13 9 6 12 63
Feb 10 Morrisville St. L, 92-88 33-76 43.4 13-29 44.8 9-14 64.3 17 28 45 24 22 11 2 25 88
Feb 14 SUNY Poly L, 76-54 21-48 43.8 7-23 30.4 5-12 41.7 8 26 34 14 24 6 1 17 54
Feb 17 at Cobleskill St. W, 60-56 24-58 41.4 4-17 23.5 8-16 50.0 9 25 34 17 11 8 0 14 60
gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 25 486-1386 35.1 120-465 25.8 186-310 60.0 11.1 25.2 36.3 12.5 20.3 8.8 2.9 15.2 51.1 0.791 -0.190
Conference 16 328-935 35.1 79-310 25.5 125-200 62.5 12.4 26.3 38.8 13.5 18.2 8.9 3.4 15.6 53.8 0.837 -0.105
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 12 244-681 35.8 55-220 25.0 94-170 55.3 12.1 25.5 37.6 13.3 21.2 10.3 2.8 16.1 53.1 0.806 -0.171
Away 11 220-621 35.4 58-209 27.8 86-125 68.8 10.8 26.6 37.5 12.8 18.9 7.8 3.4 15.5 53.1 0.823 -0.120
Neutral 2 22-84 26.2 7-36 19.4 6-15 40.0 7.0 15.5 22.5 6.5 23.0 5.5 1.0 9.0 28.5 0.491 -0.735
Wins 9 199-543 36.6 43-162 26.5 93-145 64.1 14.0 28.1 42.1 14.7 15.1 9.4 3.2 15.1 59.3 0.966 0.166
Losses 16 287-843 34.0 77-303 25.4 93-165 56.4 9.5 23.6 33.1 11.3 23.3 8.5 2.7 15.3 46.5 0.700 -0.380
November 5 92-252 36.5 23-83 27.7 45-82 54.9 9.0 26.0 35.0 11.2 26.4 9.6 1.4 15.8 50.4 0.743 -0.235
December 6 86-314 27.4 22-115 19.1 33-56 58.9 10.2 22.0 32.2 7.8 21.2 9.0 2.0 12.8 37.8 0.597 -0.392
January 8 161-440 36.6 41-142 28.9 63-93 67.7 11.0 25.3 36.3 13.3 19.0 7.6 4.5 16.0 53.3 0.845 -0.127
February 6 147-380 38.7 34-125 27.2 45-79 57.0 14.0 27.7 41.7 17.3 16.2 9.7 2.8 16.2 62.2 0.949 -0.035
Date Opponent Score Attend
Nov 15 Nazareth L, 72-32 185
Nov 18 at Utica L, 63-49 154
Nov 20 at D'Youville W, 66-58 95
Nov 27 Alfred St. L, 63-59 195
Nov 29 Medaille L, 67-46 128
Dec 2 at Cazenovia W, 50-46 0
Dec 3 Elmira L, 61-55 144
Dec 7 Keuka L, 51-34 185
Dec 9 at Morrisville St. L, 64-31 190
Dec 20 vs. WPI L, 72-24 100
Dec 21 vs. Washington and Lee L, 69-33 37
Jan 10 Cazenovia L, 71-50 85
Jan 13 at Gallaudet W, 67-64 210
Jan 14 at Penn St.-Abington W, 64-53 78
Jan 17 at SUNY Poly L, 70-54 68
Jan 20 Cobleskill St. W, 48-45 77
Jan 23 at Cortland L, 69-54 150
Jan 24 at Penn College W, 54-34 56
Jan 30 at Keuka L, 57-35 73
Feb 3 Lancaster Bible L, 62-46 144
Feb 4 Wilson W, 62-48 155
Feb 8 Penn College W, 63-34 99
Feb 10 Morrisville St. L, 92-88 144
Feb 14 SUNY Poly L, 76-54 141
Feb 17 at Cobleskill St. W, 60-56 132