Title IX: A Celebration of 50 years: “Listen, Learn, Advocate”
On Wednesday, December 8th Wells College Student Life and Intercollegiate Athletics sponsored a panel program commemorating the 50th anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendment. The panel featured Dr. Dawn Meza Soufleris, Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life at Montclair State University, Erienne Roberts, Esq. Deputy Director and Senior Woman Administrator of Intercollegiate Athletics, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Ithaca College; and Dr. Ellen Staurowsky, Professor of Media Arts, Science and Studies at Ithaca College. The Panel was moderated by Geoffrey Gabriel, Title IX Coordinator for Wells College.
Title IX was enacted in 1972 and states "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Each panelist spent some time discussing how these 37 words impacted their personal and professional lives. "Listen, learn, advocate. "advised Dr. Meza Soufleris, when asked what someone can do to advance Title IX. "Listen to what is happening around you and push your comfort level" Meza Soufleris explained. "Learn what you can to what is happening to all people and advocate not only for yourselves and for your peers but for those who may not have a voice or as strong as a voice as you do."
Roberts encouraged students to get involved in the governance of their athletic program, conference the NCAA as well as in local, state, and national governance. "We really need to get to know each other. My hope is that we get to understand what is at stake for the person next to you." Roberts further commented on the importance of liberating those who are marginalized. "My hope is people will experience prosperity and liberation. Once we get the (marginalized) liberated, the center becomes more liberated."
Dr. Staurowsky suggests that we "all have an investment" to review the current legislation which is equivocated upon birth gender and does not address non-binary or the sex a person identifies. Staurowsky stated, "we have 40 states now that have laws barring transgender athletes from participating on the team that they identify with." Staurowsky commented, "As citizens, we need to think about the imposition of state powers over bodies…. that is something that we all share."
The panelists also discussed stigmas and myths around Title IX and how it can be more complicated than it reads. Noted, were the unfunded federal mandates for all schools to create new structures and positions. Though these positions (e.g. coaches, administration) were required under Title IX, there was no mandate they were to be filled by women.
Another topic of the evening was the difference between a commitment to Title IX and compliance with Title IX. An institution can be in compliance with the NCAA or the federal government legislation, but the commitment to equity in education based on sense continues to lag behind. The panelists agreed that we need to see the humanity in each other, and it will take diligence on everyone's part to help Title IX continue to evolve. In the 50 years since its creation, Title IX has brought us a long way and needs to continue to grow and evolve to address the changing needs of society.
The program can be seen in its' entirety on the Wells College Athletics YouTube site. (Linked below)